
Active Directory: DACL Abuse
Today, we'll explore the exploitation of insecure ACEs within the DACL of users and groups in an Active Directory environment.
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Active Directory: Windows ACLs
Today, we’ll explore the fundamentals of ACLs in Windows and later demonstrate common attacks that exploit ACL misconfigurations in an Active Directory environment.
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Active Directory: Attacking Kerberos
Today, we'll explore the exploitation of an AD environment, demonstrating how to carry out these attacks and apply the Kerberos Authentication Protocol in real-world exploitation scenarios.
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Active Directory: Understanding Kerberos Authentication Protocol
In this article, we will dive into the theoretical foundations of Kerberos, explaining its core components, how the authentication process works.
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Understanding the Heap: A Foundation for Advanced Exploitation
In this article, we explore the fundamentals of the heap as a stepping stone to understanding advanced memory corruption exploitation techniques.
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Buffer Overflow - Ret2libc (Part 2)
Today, we will continue exploring the Ret2libc technique, with a focus on 64-bit exploitation.
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64-bit vs 32-bit
Up to this point, we have covered exploiting binary vulnerabilities in 32-bit programs. However, with the prevalence of 64-bit computing systems today, this article will introduce x64 binary exploitation.
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Format String Vulnerability
Today, we'll discuss a Binary Exploitation technique called Format String Vulnerability. We'll delve into how this vulnerability operates at a low level and explore how to exploit it to achieve memory overwrite.
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Buffer Overflow - Ret2libc (Part 1)
Today, we'll delve into the Return To Libc (ret2libc) technique and how we can take advantage of Libc to achieve code execution...
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Buffer Overflow - Shellcode
Today, we'll delve into the Shellcode technique, focusing on exploiting buffer overflow to gain system access or potentially escalate privileges...
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PLT & GOT: Key Players in Dynamic Linking
As a developer, you may have encountered these concepts and experienced how they interact with your programs. In this article, we'll delve into the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT) and the Global Offset Table (GOT).
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Buffer Overflow - Introduction
What is a Buffer Overflow vulnerability? How can we achieve code execution by exploiting a Buffer Overflow? Today, we'll delve into various aspects related to Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities...
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Binary Protections
What are binary protections? How do they prevent us from exploiting binaries? Today, we'll delve into these binary protections, exploring their purpose and how they function...
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CPU & Assembly - Binary Exploitation Basics
Today, we'll delve into the fundamentals of the CPU, assembly language, memory, and how programs operate at a low level. This serves as a foundational knowledge for Binary Exploitation...
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Assembly Instructions - Intel x86
For those who are not familiar with Assembly, I wrote this extra article which I'll explain Assembly Instructions in Intel x86 syntax, after reading this article, you can continue reading the Binary Exploitation basics.
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Understanding Linux User IDs
In Linux, User IDs (UIDs) are unique numerical identifiers assigned to each user account on the system. These identifiers are used by the operating system to determine...
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